News & Insights

CPI and ETO Federal Tax Credit Exportation Deadline

Carl Christianson

Remember that CPI and ETO as well as many of the federal tax rebates are set to expire on December 31st. Time to weatherize while passing the cost along is nearing its end. I hope to see future tax credits return for these programs but as of yet the future funding is uncertain and unclear. Many changes have been in the works for these programs and incentives have already begun to lessen for rebates. Now nearly every program looks to access what other money is out there available and the cost of installation is lessening by factoring in the final cost after rebates have been accounted for thus lowering final incentives to the homeowners.
Act while you still can as there has never been a better time to upgrade your homes efficiency while saving money doing it.
Our goal is not to justify our weatherization sales, but to walk you through the choices available to you to allow you the ability to make an informed decision on your options for home comfort improvement.

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