News & Insights

CWIP, Corvallis Weatherization Incentive Program

Carl Christianson

CWIP representatives were on hand at the Energy Trust roundtable event yesterday to let companies know that there are still funds available for individuals within the Corvallis area who meet the criteria for weatherization upgrades.

There is still time to get an additional $500.00 per household for this incentive. Remember that these incentives are paid directly to weatherization contractors who are registered with their program. This incentive eligibility is based on Energy Trust criteria and includes many upgrades that add efficiency to an older home. This is am amazing opportunity offered to anyone within the Corvallis City Limits and is expected to change to some extent on Dec 31st when new incentive payback amounts go into effect.

Act Now!! This program is a fantastic way to offset the cost of weatherization upgrades to your home.

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