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What our Clients are Saying
“Bill and Tammy were very happy with our work on their home in Corvallis, so when they bought their home in Philomath, they asked us to create a special Guest Suite for them.”
Carl Christianson, Owner
See the Guest Suite Addition project“Carl’s house avoids 19 tons of CO2 every year compared to a code house. If all houses throughout the entire United States did that, it is possible to slow down carbon emissions to the point that we can slow down global warming and eventually, hopefully, reverse it.”
Jan Fillinger, Architect
See the Craftsman Custom Passive House project“I can honestly say that I wouldn't have the kitchen that I love if it weren't for Carl! His attention to details made a huge difference, he would notice things that I hadn't even noticed. They do great work and they are good people, from Carl and the office staff to all the crew.”
Mary & Kory Jackson, Corvallis
See the Sustainable Custom Cabinetry project