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What our Clients are Saying
“As a long-time Corvallis resident, it was a joy to design a project that not only benefited my immediate clients but also the community as a whole. Working so closely with Ants on a Log Cafe and the Valley Rock Gym, it was clear that they are passionate about sustainability and supporting other local businesses. ”
Sarah Maisel, Senior Designer
See the Ants on a Log Café & Valley Rock Gym project“...From beginning to end this was the best remodel experience we have had...”
Donald & Maxine Prickel, Corvallis
See the Historic Craftsman Bathroom Addition project“We worked with G. Christianson to build our dream home. The whole team treated us extremely well, worked to an extraordinarily high standard of quality, and made sure that our home was everything we wanted. Thanks to Tanner, Jon, Sarah, Ron, Dennis, Craig, Ben, Curtis, Jeff, Maria, Gavin, Eddy, Sabine and everyone who did their part to bring this to completion.”
Dan DeKeizer, Corvallis
See the Custom Built Modern Farmhouse project