News & Insights

Historic Exterior Remodel Receives Award

G. Christianson Construction

We’re excited to share that one of our Historic restoration projects downtown received an award at the 2022 Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony! We worked with the homeowner to restore the Emily Pernot House to a more original Queen Anne design. We removed a street-facing dormer to more closely approximate the original roofline of the home, and replaced several aluminum windows with wood windows that more closely match the originals. Function and maintenance were a top concern while working with our Designer to ensure that the Historic character and charm of the home were supported in any work we performed on the home. For Corvallis homes in the Historic Registry, you are often given original blueprints of the home. Please share any blueprints you have, and our Designer will be happy to help restore your home to a design that more closely resembles the original, but uses the durability of modern materials.


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